Mathematics Education Key Learning Area

1. School motto, purpose, and objectives for the practice of this subject: 
  1. Enhance students’ interest in learning mathematics and appreciate the beauty of mathematics.
  2. Cater for students’ learning differences by stretching those who are more able and helping those who are less able


2. School development direction, purpose, and objectives for the practice of this subject: 
  1. Students’ learning is made more effective through the continuous professional development of teachers.
  2. Junior Secondary curriculum is developed to connect with Senior Secondary curriculum and to cater for learning differences to reduce students’ difficulties in learning Mathematics.
  3. In response to the change in the medium of instruction, some classes are taught in English to support students using English to learn Mathematics.
  4. Online assessments have been developed to enhance students’ self-learning skills.


3. Purpose, objectives, and expected learning outcomes of this curriculum:
  1. Introduce the basic concepts of secondary school mathematics, consolidate and extend the calculation skills acquired by junior secondary students in primary school, and enhance their computational experience.
  2. Students will have the ability to perform computations correctly and quickly, which helps them to apply their learning in everyday life.
  3. Through exposure to and thinking about different mathematical problems, students’ logical thinking skills and ability to imagine abstract space are enhanced, and their ability to analyse and solve problems is nurtured.
  4. Improve public examination results and lay a solid foundation for students to pursue further studies or employment.


Curricula, Learning, and Teaching:

We focus on students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and mastery of computational skills, nurturing their interest in mathematics, analysis, and problem-solving skills, and stimulating them to think about the key points of the topics, methods and steps to solve them using questions and interactive discussions, to develop their logical thinking skills. Teachers of junior secondary mathematics produce school-based worksheets that integrate topics appropriate to students’ abilities to enhance their learning effectiveness. After-school gifted and enrichment lessons are introduced according to students’ abilities, so that students can benefit from more appropriate attention. Tests are conducted in each chapter at all levels, and students’ performance data are used to analyse changes in their learning and to improve teaching effectiveness. In addition, the school actively promotes the use of e-learning by using mathematics learning software (e.g. Geogebra, Desmos, etc.) in classrooms to help students understand abstract mathematical concepts.


Extended modules (Module 1 and Module 2) are offered in Senior Secondary Mathematics, allowing students to choose to take just the core part or the core part with an extended module, depending on their mathematical ability and academic progression needs.


After-school Activities:

We organise a variety of mind-stretching mathematical activities to enhance students’ interest in learning mathematics and to broaden their knowledge and enjoyment of mathematics. Mathematical activities include Mathematics Club, Mathematics Competition, Interesting Mathematics Readings, Academic Week, and so forth.